A Launch to Financial Wellness Partner works with the LTFW team to develop a custom program for current students, recent graduates, or young professionals within their organization, group, or company. The custom program would include an in person seminar on the principles of personal finance for the group followed by two one-on-one coaching sessions for each participant.

Who do we partner with?

Student Groups & Organizations

Want to prepare your graduating students to manage their finances as they begin their careers? Partner with our team to bring a tailored approach to your organization. Examples of potential partners include: university schools and departments, athletic groups, student-led organizations, fraternities and sororities, and faith communities.

Corporate Clients

Let our LTFW team bring personal financial wellness to your existing teams or new hires. Research shows that personal financial challenges can lead to an increase in workplace stress, a reduction in the ability to focus, increased absenteeism, and decreased employee morale. Our team provides the knowledge and support your employees need to get on a path towards financial wellness.

Nonprofit Organizations

Let us help your employees or your clients improve their financial well-being! Our team can support your efforts in grant writing, donor outreach, and cost-sharing approaches to bring our financial wellness seminar and 1:1 coaching to your employees or clients.

Working with Charity has really given me peace of mind when it comes to my finances. I feel more in control of and confident about my spending and saving.

—Lyndsay, Washington DC

Want to talk more about bringing Launch to Financial Wellness to your group?