

Upcoming Seminar Dates

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blue box with a single square icon in the center

2-hour seminar

Two 1-hour 1:1 coaching sessions

Budgeting Tools

The Starter Program – $999

The Launch to Financial Wellness Starter Program gives you the knowledge and tools to jumpstart your journey to financial health and well-being. The Starter Program includes:

  • One two-hour seminar on the basics of personal finance diving into the topics of budgeting, saving, debt, retirement, insurance, and investing. Choose from in-person or virtual options.
  • Two 1-hour one-on-one coaching sessions focused on building and managing a budget, setting long and short-term financial goals, and answering questions unique to your experience. All coaching sessions are virtual.


blue box with three stacked square icon in the center

2-hour seminar

Two 1-hour 1:1 coaching sessions

Budgeting Tools

Four 30-min 1:1 coaching sessions

Monthly reminders to keep you on track

The Foundations Program – $1,499

The Launch to Financial Wellness Foundations Program gives you the knowledge and tools to start your journey to financial health and well-being and supports you over the course of a year. The Foundations Program includes:

  • One two-hour seminar on the basics of personal finance diving into the topics of budgeting, saving, debt, retirement, insurance, and investing. Choose from in-person or virtual options.
  • Two 1-hour one-on-one coaching sessions focused on building and managing a budget, setting long and short-term financial goals, and answering questions unique to your experience. All coaching sessions are virtual.
  • Four 30-min coaching sessions providing continued support in budgeting, reaching your financial goals, and troubleshooting financial questions as they arise.
  • Monthly tips and reminders to keep you on track to meet your financial goals.


Additional Coaching Session – $249

Have you completed your course and looking for additional support? Purchase an additional one-hour coaching session for continued support in budgeting, reaching your financial goals, and troubleshooting financial questions as they arise.

Note: Purchase will be processed through Calendly.


Seminar Add-on Coaching (2) – $499

Have you completed a sponsored seminar and looking for add-on coaching to complete the program? Purchase two one-hour coaching sessions focused on budgeting, reaching your financial goals, and troubleshooting financial questions as they arise.

Not sure which program is right for you or your student?

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